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Published Selection Notice for the Master’s Degree in Dentistry

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The Selection Notice for the Master’s Degree in Dentistry was published with the beginning of Registration for January 9, 2017. Offering a total of 15 vacancies. The Notice will be available at the link below and in the “Files to Download” tab, and at the website:   Edital PROPP/RTR nº 98 de 07-11-2016

The Masters Course in Dentistry of the School of Dentistry (Faodo) – UFMS published their first article Qualis Capes A1 in an international journal known worldwide

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The Masters Course in Dentistry of the School of Dentistry (Faodo) – UFMS published their first article Qualis Capes A1 in an international journal known worldwide. The article is the result of a research on root heat generated by different obturation techniques of the root canals, conducted by the student Daniele Beraldo Zafalon under the […]

Legislação Geral – Graduação

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Disponibilizamos também neste sítio a legislação Geral da Graduação, já disposta devidamente no site da PREG, link abaixo: RESOLU O COEG (COC_RTR) n 269, de 01-08-2013

Professor da Faodo compõe Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da UFMS.

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O professor Edilson José Zafalon, docente na Faculdade de Odontologia – Faodo/UFMS, passa a compor a Comissão de Ética e Pesquisa da Instituição. O mandado é de três anos contados a partir de 16 de Outubro de 2014.   Portaria Nº 672 – 17/07/2015